Set Learn Ahead Limit to Zero

I don’t think we’ve been able to identify the source(s) of the advice to change learn-ahead to 0 (discussed a couple times in other threads). It still strikes me as odd advice, and it seems contrary to what most users would want.

I would completely guess (based on my not entirely reliable memory) that the questions about this feature are about

  • 90% of the “I want to see those cards sooner”/increase-your-learn-ahead variety
  • 10% of the “I want those cards to wait out the delay, like I had it before”/decrease-your-learn-ahead variety (wherein we find out that the person did change that themselves recently)

Yes, fakenumbers, I know (and I’ll stand corrected if anyone wants to survey the various help venues) – but what’s missing is any sort of a majority that would be better served by changing the default learn-ahead to 0.

The thought process we would want to foster there (and a lot of other places! :sweat_smile: ) is “I don’t know what learn ahead limit is, so I shouldn’t touch it.” But for those who second-guess themselves and think they accidentally did anyway, adding a reset-to-default loop :repeat:, like we have in Deck Options, would be a more direct solution.

It seems like there are a lot of recommendations that could help that user –

  • Bury those cards for tomorrow.
  • Stop answering them and come back later today (or in 10 minutes).
  • Accept the fact that flipping through those last few cards a few times before graduating them might have some benefit.
  • “Great, you got them right, so graduate them to Review.”