I’ve noticed that if you have multiple decks under a bigger deck (let’s say I have 3 decks under 1 bigger deck), and the first decks contain a card with multiple clozes (let’s say I have a card with eight clozes), Anki do not prioritize to “get done” studying this multiple cloze-card fully before moving on to the next deck. If there is a card in deck no. 1 with eight clozes, Anki will move on to deck no. 2 without finishing studying all the clozes (Anki moves on after studying approximately three clozes). In other words, there will remain “new cards” in deck one when Anki moves on to deck no. 2. This malfunction (wrong prioritizing) does only happen with my cloze-cards that has many clozes. It does not happen with “Image occlusion”-cards or Basic cards - with these cards, Anki will make sure that they are studied before moving on to a new deck.
The malfunction (wrong prioritizing) is a fairly new problem that came with update some months ago. Before this, Anki would prioritze to study all the new cards in deck no. 1 before moving on to deck number 2. Anki was programmed to NOT move on to deck no. 2 IF there were “new cards” in deck no. 1.
I sincerely hope that the abovementioned problem makes sense. I would like to ask if there is a way to get Anki to priortize “the old way” where it DOES NOT move on to a new deck before studying all the new cards in a previous deck?
If this started for you a few months ago, it’s possible that is when you switched to the v3 scheduler (Studying - Anki Manual). Your Display Options now control the order that your new cards are introduced in (Deck Options - Anki Manual) – so you can prioritize the cards how you like.
[Some might say that studying 8 sibling-clozes in a row makes things too easy for you – but you didn’t ask for advice about that, so I’ll shut-up now. ]
I don’t believe Anki has ever had such a feature. It may have seemed like it, because the v2 scheduler would only gather a small amount of cards at once. There isn’t a way to achieve this with the v3 scheduler - you either get the default which is to study all card 1s before card 2s and so on (which maximises the spacing between siblings), or you can choose to have all siblings shown at once if burying is disabled.
Aw… Seems that I have to stop making cloze-cards with multiple clozes
That multiple clozes within one card would be “too easy”, I disagree with.
When studying microscopic layers of a certain organ, it makes so much sense to have one single card with multiple representing each layer, fx. for the oesophagus:
Lamina epithelialis: [Cloze1]
Lamina propria: [Cloze 2]
Lamina muscularis mucosae: [Cloze 3]
Tela submucousa: [Cloze 4]
Tunica musularis: and so on…
Point taken about the clozes, and I apologize for overstepping. Sometimes my particular area of study clouds my view.
Have you tried the v3 settings though?
[I’m hesitant to contradict dae (because he obviously knows Anki functionality better than I do!), and perhaps I’m misunderstanding you – but here I go anyway!]
It seems like what you’re asking for can be done with a Gather Order of “Deck” or “Deck then random notes” and a Sort Order of “Order gathered” (as long as there is enough room in your new card limit for the day, of course). This should mean that you’ll get new cards from both subdeck 1 and subdeck 2 today, but all the subdeck 1 cards will come before any of the subdeck 2 cards.
Or if what you’re asking for is to never see a new card in subdeck 2 until every card has been been introduced in subdeck 1 (not just today, but for the life of the deck) – that can be done by adjusting the limits of the parent and subdecks in relation to each other.
Set your Gather Order to “Deck” or “Deck then random notes” (as I said above)
Set your New card limits to be the same for the parent and subdecks [Ex: Parent: 20, Subdeck 1: 20, Subdeck 2: 20]
Click the parent deck to study
Anki will go to the parent deck first, know it has a limit of 20, and gather 0 cards (because there aren’t any cards in that deck). Then to subdeck 1, also with a limit of 20, and gather up to 20 new cards. And then it will stop.
On the day when there are only 19 new cards left in subdeck 1 – when Anki gets to subdeck 1, it will gather the 19 new cards. Then in subdeck 2, also with a limit of 20, but with only 1 left until the limit, it will gather 1 card.