Display New/Learning Cards in a Certain Way

Is there any way to display NEW/LEARNING cards in the following way?
[I’m using Anki 2024.11 in Windows 11]

Card B1
Card C1
Card D1
Card B2
Card C2
Card B3
Card C3

The more randomize order Review cards appear, mixing with New/Learning cards, the better. But the New/Learning cards should display the above order.


  • Deck A
    • Deck A::Subdeck B
      • Card B1
      • Card B2
      • Card B3
    • Deck A::Subdeck C
      • Card C1
      • Card C2
      • Card C3
    • Deck A::Subdeck D
      • Card D1

** Studying many topics in STEM subjects in this order can be useful. The order can ensure I move to the advanced cards of each topic after clearing the basics.

** Or, is there any other way, so that I move to the advanced cards of each topic after clearing the basics (in this deck structure)?

Or, is there any other way, so that I move to the advanced cards of each topic after clearing the basics (in this deck structure)?

How about this? When you want to just do the New/Learning cards, you’d go into Subdeck B, Subdeck C and Subdeck D separately switching out to the next deck when you finish the new/learning cards. And then once you’re done with new/learning cards, you’d switch to the top-level Deck A and do all reviews.

It’s a bit more clicking to do switch decks but not that much trouble, I think? This is what I did when studying spanish verb conjugations, where each tense was a subdeck. I’d actually do new cards and reviews per subdeck, never using the top-level deck.


There are things you can do with gather and sort orders, and with deck-specific limits. If I understand you correctly – you want to make progress through subdecks B/C/D at the same time, right? And within each subdeck you want to introduce the cards in order?

If you want to do all of your studying by clicking Deck A:

  • For your Deck Options – set daily New cards to the total number of cards you want introduced each day. (Or you can leave it unlimited, as long as you continue controlling New cards from the subdeck level.)
    • Leave daily maximum reviews unlimited (9999)
    • Set New card gather to Deck or Ascending
    • Set New sort to … – there’s no way to strictly interleave the cards like that (BCDBCDBCD), so you’re probably better off just choosing something with Random.
  • For Subdecks B, C, and D (you’ll have to set each separately and save it) – set a “this deck” daily New card limit to about one-third of your total limit. You can obviously adjust that if B/C/D have different numbers of cards, to keep your progress proportional – the goal is that they add up to the total you want overall.
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Thank you so much for your time!

Do you think Anki should have that kind of interleaving features?

Do you think Anki should have that kind of interleaving features?

I think yes. Instead of random being completely random, it can prioritise interleaving cards from different decks. But I am not sure whether changing the code in any way would help in interleaving. Maybe random is already good enough.

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No, it doesn’t seem significant for them to be specifically in an orderly cycle.

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