Spent the day adding cards to my new decks for school on my iPad and went to run through some cards on my old Android. Got a pop-up saying something along the lines of “you can’t have ankiweb and anki mobile files, select one”, so I selected mobile not truly understanding what the pop-up meant and quickly realized every card/deck I have made on my iPad since starting school has been deleted.
I currently only have an iPad and have no way of connecting to a desktop to try and restore a backup through iTunes, as advised by manual. Please tell me my work isn’t lost. Please tell me there’s another way to recover…
You don’t need access to a computer to restore a backup, and there’s a decent chance there is an automatic backup available. Please see Preferences - AnkiMobile Manual
Thank you for the fast reply! The problem is I didn’t create the cards on the ankimobile app, I was using my iPad to create them on ankiweb, where there isn’t even an option to go to preferences. Does ankiweb store backups?
AnkiWeb only backs your collection up once a week. I’m afraid it appears the cards were added after the last backup, so they did not have a chance to get backed up before they were overwritten.
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Dang that’s what I get for being cheap and not downloading the app, thank you for your help and quick responses! At least I’m only on week 1 of school