So I’ve been getting more advanced recently designing my own notetypes, and I’m running up against mainly one serious limitation that I think could pretty easily be solved, and I will explain how. I study math and physics with Anki, so that means I learn a lot of definitions, proofs, derivations, theorems, etc. Some concepts I have to learn are quite complicated and have multiple interrelated facets to them, and so I always try to get multiple carefully thought-out cards on one note which relate to the same topic, so that the cards are buried as siblings and so that my cards are very organised (I don’t need to look far for all the cards related to gravitational potential energy, such as its definition, its unit, etc).
A kind of note that I designed a while ago for this was one where there’s basically multiple basic, or front→back cards on it, and then an extra that will show up underneath any of the answers when they’re shown (to add maybe a picture or some extra info that is unessential but useful). Another is one with multiple basic and reversed cards, for related topics like ‘elastic collisions’, ‘inelastic collisions’, and ‘completely inelastic collisions’ (three concepts in physics with their own but related definitions).
But still I was recently getting increasingly annoyed that some cards were very difficult to make as good as possible, so I again designed a couple of new notetypes to handle the job. An example is this: I wanted a card with three sides, one with a term on it, another with a definition, and a third with the formula for that concept, and then also for every side a field that shows on the front of that card and disappears when I show the answer (i.e. the other two sides), where I would write things like [definition + formula] (for the card with the term) so as to remind myself of what I had to remember. So I did that, but then there are notes where it would be useful to also have a front→back card on it, on which I could f.e. ask to derive the formula for that concept, or to simply state what its unit is, or whatever. But… then there are cards where the front→back is actually the primary one (the one with the concept on, which I would like to appear in the brower, so then I basically would have to make exactly the same card but with the 3-sides card after the front→back card… and so on and on.
So in sum, I’m in a position where I really have to start consider to either simplify my process a lot, and make mostly separated notes for the same concept, and not worry too much about sibling burying, or, more importantly, about a very organized browser with nonetheless complex card; or make a whole freakin’ lot of new notetypes, which is a time-consuming business, and which may one day become quite irrelevant in light of new options.
Therefore I would like to propose the following innovation: to be able to create new notes by simply adding existing notetypes (possibly containing multiple cards themselves) together, e.g. a basic, a basic and reversed, a cloze, all for the same concept; possibly as well as fields on the fly, so that you can f.e. add an extra field that shows up a certain amount of breaklines (that you can easily input) underneath the last text on the show-card. I’m not skilled to make this innovation myself but I feel like it would not be extremely difficult, and I’m certain it would greatly increase productivity and creativity for some people. Thanks for reading.