Widgets for AnkiDroid

We’re working on adding more widgets to AnkiDroid , and I’d love to hear your thoughts( suggestions) on ideas of the project:

  • Additional Widget-1 - Deck Picker
    *Working - As it won’t be a good idea to opt here to display roots of nested decks, simple and minimalist >>. Also as suggested in “Design-Extra_Menu_bar” we can have a “Mark Favourite” option to the “Menu Bar”, thus displaying that deck at top as priority

  • Additional Widget-3 - Card Analysis
    Working - Similar to “Mark Favourite” we will have an option as “Mark for analysis” i.e. a similar algo . "statistics" one will be displaying Total Card New , Total Card Due , and Total Card Learn Count of the all deck combined, while the one with specific deck name will show data of only that particular deck .

  • Additional Widget-4 - Card Due

  • Context (For Widget-4 ) : This widget will show the total number of cards due and the relative time (in minutes)to complete them. It can be seen in (figure-7,8,9,10)

Your feedback is invaluable in helping us shape the project to better meet the needs of the community :sunflower:. Feel free to drop your thoughts in the comments below .


Yeah. I like it already :slight_smile: !

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Looks great. But how would this handle sync conflicts? Or is no syncing done in the background anyway?

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