You have added these notes using a note type that instructs Anki to make 2 cards. Often this is done to have “forward” and “reverse” versions of the cards. It sounds like you don’t want that, so you have a few options about how to fix it. To see what solution makes the most sense –
What is the name of the note type these notes are using? To find that, you can add the “Note Type” column to the Browse table, or click “Cards…” above the note editor and look at the name in the title bar (Card Types for …).
Do you want to delete these 2nd cards permanently? (I suspect you do, given the note I see in your screenshot, but it is worth it to check!)
Do you want to make this change for every note that uses this note type – even notes/cards in other decks? Or are there other notes using this note type that you want to continue having 2 cards?
Use the top dropdown to see what the differences are between the front/back templates for these 2 card types and select the one that you want to remove
At the top of the screen click Options > Remove Card Type