Where is the menu tools bar? How am I suppose to add Image Occlusion

feeling super frustrated rn, as you can see THERE IS NO TOOL BAR
How am I suppose to add Image Occlusion? Please help it’s been TWO HOURS

Even when I look to the mac bar on the top left there is nada
i am so lost pls help

This is not Anki. Download the official app from here: apps.ankiweb.net


Sorry this caused you so much frustration!

See the FAQ for more about how to switch things over to authentic Anki – if that’s what you decide to do. Anki knockoffs - Anki FAQs

Once you get Anki installed, you should take a look at built-in Image Occlusion – Adding/Editing - Anki Manual . Unless you have IO Enhanced cards that you need to be able to edit, it will be easier to get started without worrying about the add-on.

Thank you!!!

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BAHAHAHA oh my gosh what a plot twist
thank you so much!! I had no clue

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Plot twist, lol. Generally if you see multiple apps with same names, should get suspicious. But you can always move to official Anki and bring all your content here. If you have problems with that, let others here know.

(The next Anki release is going to be amazing, lots of new features and improv in algorithm)

Do you know how to move my cards to the official app? I tried to use the add-on but it didn’t really work.

If you have any issues with the add-on, check out the last couple weeks of posts in the support thread – Copycat Importer (AnkiApp/AnkiPro) . If you don’t see anything that addresses your issue, please post about it there.