I have a filter deck for “rated:1:1”. This displays all the cards I got wrong today (e.g. the cards I selected answer “again” for).
Under the older Anki 1 scheduler, when I used this filter deck, it would show me a “rated:1:1” card. Then if I selected “answer again”, it would move on the next “rated:1:1” card in the filter deck. It would then come back back to the card I selected “again” before after I had done some of the other cards in the filter deck.
However, I recently updated to the V3 scheduler. Now when I used my “rated:1:1” filter deck and select answer again, it keeps on reshowing that same card until I select “answer easy”. It won’t move on to the other “rated:1:1” and then come back to it later.
Is there any way I can emulate the old behavior with the V3 scheduler? The reason I liked the old behavior as I found the method of it coming back to the card helped with improving memory of it (especially because I would practice the “rated:1:1” filter deck three times a day).
Now because I have to answer that card before I can move on, I don’t get exposed to it as much (unless I rebuild the deck, which means having to go through all the cards I just got right).
I’m not sure how to share a filter deck. I followed the instructions in the FAQ, but when I export it, it doesn’t seem to import back in correctly.
However, I have made a video that shows the issue.
Anki V3 Scheduler - filter deck with “rated:1:1” - YouTube
This video shows the filtered deck with V3 scheduler. As you can see, if I select one of the wrong answer buttons, the same card is displayed again. I cannot move on to the next card in the filter deck, until I select blue easy button (At the top of the video, colored ticks are briefly shown to indicate which answer button is tapped).
Anki Original Scheduler - filter deck with “rated:1:1” - YouTube
This video shows the same filtered deck with the original scheduler. As you can see, if I “answer again”, the same card is not displayed again. Instead, the next card in the filtered deck is displayed (and the first wrong card doesn’t come back until all the cards have been studied).
(For this video, I am using AnkiDesktop, as I have not upgraded to the new scheduler on that just yet. I do not have an iOS device that is still running the old scheduler).
Here are the settings the filter deck uses:
I have used “rated:1:1” because I wanted to study all the cards I got wrong today in my main decks.
I hope that better explains it. If not, let me know and I will give more info as needed.
Im curious, I have my deck also labelled in a similar manner but I have also added the name of the overall deck to the tag so it appears as [ rated:1:1 “deck:Good Day! ” ].
Thanks! Just to double check, do I put the name of the filter deck? The filter deck pulls cards from all the other decks so it wouldn’t be practical to put in the names of all those other decks. Thanks for any clarification you can offer!
My current setup is one single deck called “Good Day!” that has several subdecks for different classes and topics. I just found the name of the major deck in the browser and then added rated:1:1, like above.
I put the name of the filter deck. But it just displayed a message saying “No Cards matched the provided search. Some cards may have been excluded because they are in a different filter deck, or suspended.”
If I remove the name of the filter deck, then it works as expected. It’s just that selecting “answer: again” causes the card to keep on reappearing (as explained in the opening post).
If you could share an export of your collection without media (eg to a file sharing site like Gofile - Your all-in-one storage solution), then sending me a link via private msg, or letting me know your AnkiWeb ID if you are syncing), then I can try to recreate the problem here.
Thanks for sharing your collection; I have found the problem. This is a bug with the current app store release of AnkiMobile - when you create a custom study deck with rescheduling disabled on it, the ‘repeat failed cards after _ minutes’ option is set to 0, which causes the cards to appear again immediately. Since your computer version is old, I’d recommend you switch to the beta version of AnkiMobile, where you can adjust the delay: Beta Testing - AnkiMobile Manual
@dae Thanks, the beta version warns about rough edges in the app. Is there any way I can adjust the delay via the Desktop version (I have now updated the Desktop version to V3) and keep the mobile version to the non-beta version (so it uses the current store release)? Thanks!
The beta is reasonably stable, but if you’d prefer to be cautious, the option can also be adjusted in the latest computer version, as seen in this screenshot:
Once you set the delay from 0 to 10 minutes and rebuild the deck, it should work correctly from then on. Each filtered deck with a delay of 0 will need adjusting.