Unordered list Shortcut not working

Hello! I am currently on anki Version ⁨24.11 (87ccd24e)⁩ Python 3.9.18 Qt 6.6.2 PyQt 6.6.1. I’ve noticed after updating recently that on my mac (air 2017 MacOS Monterey 12.7.6) the shortcut for the unordered list (cmd+,) does not work and just opens the preferences window instead. I have no add ons, my keyboard language matches the preference window, I’ve restarted with shift and even rebooted my computer to no avail. Is there any way to fix this?

Do you run Karabiner Elements or similar software?

Hi no I am not

There was a Qt issue that was causing this, but it was fixed in 2023.

There was another recent post about this, but it had a lucky fix.

But it sounds like that hasn’t worked for you!

From my questions/suggestions in that other thread, it sounds like you’ve touched on most of them already.

  1. Do you have any external 3rd-party apps running on your Mac that might be changing keybinds/shortcuts? [Or is that what Karabiner Elements is? :person_shrugging:t4:]

  2. You said “my keyboard language matches the preference window” – but what keyboard language are you using? Is it something other than English/International-QWERTY?

Otherwise, we might need to see if that 2023 fix has somehow been un-fixed.

This is what Karabiner Elements is :smiley:

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Hi there,

I’m experiencing the same problem with the shortcut “cmd + ,” after the update, and I haven’t downloaded any add-ons. How can I fix this because I use that shortcut so much :sweat_smile:

Did you try the solution from the other thread?

If that didn’t work, answer the questions I asked in that thread and this thread.

I have no clue how to change that Qt to be honest.

I don’t have any third-party apps on my Mac that might change the shortcuts. I happened right after the update from Anki. Also, my keyboard is QWERTY.

How can I fix this in another way? Or could you maybe explain how to change that Qt (I know absolutely nothing so I’m a noob when it comes to this hahaha)

I believe the solution was restarting.

You can’t “change that Qt” – but if you’re using the Qt5 version of Anki, you can update to a Qt6 version instead. I think there are a lot of other things you can still try, mentioned in those threads and above.

Hello, I have the same issue at the moment, in which cmd+, brings up the preference menu rather than inserting a bullet point. the above solutions do not work for me. how do I go about this bug?

Ah! Sorry, I just realised an add-on (‘extended editor for field for tables searchreplace’) was causing this bug for me. Hopefully this information will help others who come across the same cmd+, issue.

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