After updating to a new version, I got this in Browser and Editor:
2.1.35 Screenshot by Lightshot
2.1.46 Screenshot by Lightshot
But in the Review and Preview, the appearance is correct.
Differences in appearance between the editor and review/preview could be due to CSS styling in your card templates, which doesn’t affect the card appearance in the editor. Check styling from the Cards layout screen (click the Cards button in the editor).
Though I’m not sure why 2.1.35 is different in this regard.
Sorry, but I have problems.
I get large line spacing in the browser and editor. In preview, and review everything is ok.
The deck includes formatting that Anki would normally strip. You’ll need to contact the deck/add-on author for assistance.
But this applies not only to new, but also to old cards. Old cards have lost their normal appearance.