There is a addon like this or someone know how to code?

Hello everyone,

I’m not sure where to post this, but I had an idea and wanted to ask if there is already an addon like the one I’m thinking of, or if someone who knows how to code might be interested in developing it.

I was thinking about how to make reviewing my flashcards more engaging and thought, “It would be great if there were sounds for completing cards, decks, or general actions, just like doulingo.” I believe this would provide an immediate reward and help keep us more motivated to keep reviewing our flashcards.

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There are some options already, hope any of them fit what you want!

But you have other gamification Addons!

  • If seeing puppy pictures as a reward for passing a card would make you eager to use Anki, Puppy Reinforcement may be your best option:

  • If you already use Habitica to track your habits, there is a way to sync it with Anki with this addon.

  • And, if you want to gamify with streaks and achievements, Anki Killstreaks can be what you need.

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There is also Audiovisual Feedback