The installation of Qt6 version failed

Hey, I need some help. Everything is fine now related to the new Anki version running perfectly. But there is one more problem: All the time I open the app Appears a message saying “Your collection needs to be upgraded to the v3 scheduler. Please select learn more before proceeding.” Above the message you see two buttons: “Update” and “Learn More”. I have read those informations and it was ok, then I clicked on the button “Update” and everything looked fine. I was able to study without any issues on that moment, when I finished, I closed the app. But as I said before, when I will open the app to study again, the massage “Your collection needs to be upgraded to the v3 scheduler. Please select learn more before proceeding.” always appears. I will let an image and you will see.

I will be glad if you can help me once more.