Syncing not working since 08/19/24

I’ve got anki iOS on my phone and iPad and it’s always synced everytime I’d like them to. However, since 08/19/24, I can’t sync them to ankiweb and from it to the other device, it just doesn’t work and everytime I try to use it returns a message of “lost network connection, try to use another one”, I’ve tried to sync on my home WiFi, work WiFi and over 5G, all to no help at all. Does anyone know how to fix it or if it’s a general problem?

Do you use iCloud private relay, or some other VPN/proxy?

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I have the same problem, but on the desktop version and on AnkiDroid. I’ve been using Anki for years, and I’ve never had this problem. I’ve tried syncing using different networks, but I always get the same timeout error (without a specific message).

I don’t use a VPN/proxy, nor do I have a firewall enabled.

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Bom dia!
Eu estou tentando sincronizar meus cards do AnkiAndroid para o AnkiWeb desde do dia 20/08. O problema é que consta a seguinte mensagem:

A conexão expirou. Tente novamente em uma rede diferente.

Junto com a mensagem acima é explicado um pequeno detalhe que pode estar ocasionando o problema, procurei solucioná-lo, mas não funcionou. Também, antes de vir aqui, procurei realizar mais procedimentos para saber se o problema era realmente em minha rede, desde de troca de Wifi até olhar as configurações do roteador, mas não soluciona.
Gostaria de saber se este problema de sincronização é só comigo ou isso está acontecendo de forma geral no Anki? Se o problema for só comigo e alguém souber resolver, ficarei grato se me ajudasse!

Aguardo um retorno.


If you turn off syncing audio images and/or increase your network timeout (both are in Tools > Preferences > Syncing) – are you able to complete a sync?


See also: Syncing failed: Connection timed out errors when syncing - Anki FAQs

All of you are in Brazil. There is probably an issue with an international link between Brazil and AnkiWeb’s servers, as I can not see any issues on AnkiWeb’s end.


Thanks for the tip. It really is a problem with the link in Brazil. I did a test using a VPN and the synchronization was successful.

Nice, but, what i do? A i dont have vpn!

It looks terrible! As I and other Brazilians found ourselves lost when we realized that the program was not working. I hope there is a way to not stop using Anki through the VPN, but not everyone can use it.

If it hasn’t already done so, I imagine it will resolve itself in a few days. Reporting the issue to your ISP may help encourage things along.

Hola! Yo también recién instale anki desktop y no se sincronizaban mis tarjetas de Ankidroid , lo que hice para solucionarlo es que mis tarjetas de Ankidroid las exporte y ya una vez hecho el archivo las importe desde descargas a mi anki desktop, fue muy facil y rápido , espero te ayude

That’s a way too! You can also use any free proxy or VPN and it should solve the issue.

Is changing DNS like Cloudfare work on this type of workaround? Didn’t know it could affect it too

I usually use to bypass legal restrictions but it doesn’t work sometimes, for videos and stuff.

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