I would like to suggest a feature for Anki that would enhance the organization and sorting of cards within a deck and also apply to decks and subdecks.
The idea is to implement an add-on or feature that allows users to assign a specific order to each card within a deck by numbering them for showing them on the Browser. For example, if there is a deck named “Myocarditis Clinic” with three cards, they could be numbered as “Myocarditis Clinic-1”, “Myocarditis Clinic-2”, and “Myocarditis Clinic-3”. If I wanted to change the order, I could easily renumber the cards, and the rest would adjust accordingly (e.g., turning “Myocarditis Clinic-2” into “Myocarditis Clinic-3” if I insert another card at position 2). It’s good to make sure that the algorithm interprets “11” like eleven and maintain the order.
This feature would significantly improve the ability to organize cards in a meaningful sequence, which is especially useful for those who create notes in a specific order.
You can specify a field to serve as the card ID, but it doesn’t automatically update the rest of the IDs when changes are made, which makes the organization of cards quite inconvenient. This is especially problematic during the note’s creation process, where Anki could function like a “book,” with cards appearing in a specific order in the panel and decks and subdecks organized in a logical way. It would be interesting if this sorting feature were optional.
Additionally, it would be beneficial if this feature could be extended to organize decks and subdecks in a similar manner, making the entire Anki structure more streamlined and customizable. Nowadays, you can edit decks to follow a order by specifing a number in the beginning, but it turns out un-aestheticaly very fast…
Some feature of drag and drop like supermemo would be awesome too.
I don’t think it is, unless i’m not using it correctly. The “due” field appears as a date. What I’m taking about is a way of “showing”, “organizing” the cards without reference to the date or order in the spaced repetition algorithm. It’s good to have this option because you can organize your cards better. Of course you can organize another way, but, for example, if you want to see if your cards cover all subjects, it’s interesting that you have some “whole visualization” – this can be achived by showing them on a certain order.
I think it’s called position in-app but position is basically the due number; you can also do searches like prop:pos=1 to find cards with a certain due number.
Anki will let you sort new cards using the position/due number. It’s not possible to sort cards that are already in review, as the order they appear will depend on their scheduling.
Is it not possible to create another column that works like the inicial Due (when appears New # x) and preservers some arbitrary order that can be seted by the user?
Of course that the most important is the reescheduling order, but the order that you show the cards when creating and when editing them in a logical manner is important also, and you want that order to be preserved.
I tried to make some like this through add-on, but the metadata wouldn’t be exported… I really needed that this this functionality was built-in.
I made a add-on that uses tag for orginizing but is garbish I think…
It’s not difficult I think because the Due when not card-reviewd and “Reposition” when the card was not reviewed work exactly it was expected as my sugestion. Maybe one hour of work to implement?
I think the implementation would be as follows:
Create a atributte to every card called “Deck ID” (or another better name);
If the card doesn’t have a Deck ID, he gets one by a function that maps the order of the Card through Due inside a n of N (natural numbers);
Every new card gets the number that is +1 the max number inside the subdeck and receives this theough creation;
The Deck ID wouldn’t be changed unless the user changes through a function that works like Reposition (but that is directed to de Deck ID atributte);
Make a column on browser that shows the Deck ID atributte in a ascending order.
Make sure that the metadata Deck ID is exported and imported through apkg.
It is inadvisable, because it encourages you to make cards that can only be answered if previous ones are seen first, and depending on how cards are scheduled, you may not see the previous ones on the same day.
If you still wish to do so, the closest you’ll get is sorting by the order cards are added, and using an add-on to reorder the cards if they were added in a different order.
I guess that it doesn’t encourage you to make cards that can only be answered if previous ones are seen first, unless you actually do it. The purpose would be to have the cards in a specific order so they can be seen together and conclusions can be drawn. For example, in the current editing scenario, the cards are mixed, so cards about ‘oligodendrocytes’ might be far from other cards on the same topic and closer to cards about microglia, mixed together. You can always solve this by creating subdecks or tags, but at some point, there are too many subdecks for something that could be resolved by having an ID that users could order by (and much more easy). I made an add-on that uses a field called Deck ID for this, but it would be nice if this option came built-in. I’m uploading a image of my add-on (yet not published; github: GitHub - mathbsouza/Auto-Deck-ID-Manager). It’s not veeery good, because i’m newbie on programming, but it works (I don’t know if there’s a better way to do it). The cards are ordered by the Deck ID, which is assigned during the editing process and allows for a better flow both in creation and organization.