Studying only selected multiple sub-decks

Hi, I’ve tried to find a solution to my problem but can’t get the answers so would like to ask for help.

Let’s say I have Deck A with subdecks A1,A2,A3 and Deck B with subdecks B1, B2, B3. Is there a way for me to study A2+B2 combined without changing the deck hierachy stucture? Also, while studying, any changes that I made to the cards such as putting a note, to be reflected in the original deck?

Thanks a lot.

If those are the only subdecks with cards available to study, yes – you can put them under an empty parent deck and click that to study. Otherwise, you would need a Filtered deck to temporarily gather those cards together in one place. Filtered Decks - Anki Manual

If you are directly editing the Note that the Card comes from (by clicking Edit or Browse from the study screen), yes that will stay with the Note and affect all of the Note’s other Cards as well. Notes aren’t contained in a specific deck.

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Thank you @Danika_Dakika. I guess, I can temporarily make an empty parent deck and move the subdecks, and then study. Then, after study, move the folders back to its original places within the hierarchy.

No, no – neither of my suggestions involved moving any of the decks.

If you use an empty parent deck, you would put that over your Deck A/B. You can use deck options to control A1/A3/B1/B3 so that they don’t have any cards available. I assume A/B don’t contain any cards themselves. So the only cards that would go through to the parent deck would be A2/B2.

Otherwise, a Filtered deck, and you also wouldn’t have to move any decks.

Again, thank you @Danika_Dakika. So if I am understanding this correctly, you’re suggesting that under the Options for A1/A3/B1/B3, i set ‘New Cards/ Day’ and ‘Maximum Reviews/Day’ for ‘This Deck’ to be 0 for A1/A3/B1/B3, and just review the parent deck so by nature, it will show A2 and B2.

I tried Filtered Deck - maybe because I am not too familiar with it but I wasn’t able to choose different subdecks… Have never used it before…

Yes, exactly that! :+1:t4:

I’d say this is a better solution, so I wouldn’t worry about figuring Filtered decks out for now.

Great. Thank you v much @Danika_Dakika