Strange FSRS Parameters and Average Difficulty is 1%

I have been somewhat concerned regarding my FSRS parameters and ease of my cards.
My average difficulty is 1% which seems absolutely crazy especially when I am struggling with some concepts and have to press again on some specific topics often.
2 of my FSRS parameters are 0.000 or suspiciously close to 0, and I am worried that this is somehow affecting my scheduling and difficulty.

My values are the following:
0.5032, 11.1273, 46.4598, 46.4598, 6.7539, 1.0078, 1.2643, 0.3113, 2.0262, 0.0000, 1.4904, 2.2521, 0.0010, 0.6234, 2.5482, 0.5172, 3.4989, 0.6508, 0.8689

I have a high retrievability and have recently set my desired retention to 95%, but that should not necessarily be affecting the difficulty this much.

The following are more details regarding my progress:

Thank you!

Your parameters indicate this is fairly easy material for you. And you say that you’re struggling and pressing Again often, but that’s not what your Answer Buttons/retention shows.

Is it possible that you’re mid-using the Hard button – clicking it even though you got an answer wrong?

Those two parameters – w9 and w12 – both have to do with Stability of your cards, but they are both small (negative) exponents that only range from 0 to 0.8 and 0.25 respectively. Being close to 0 isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

I’m not an expert but to me it seems like your material is way too easy and you are misusing hard to some extent.

I would suggest just grading with again and good. This has even been discussed as potentially being the new default for Anki in the future.

Since the vast majority of cards in your deck seem to be easy with a small minority being hard maybe the hard cards should be in a separate deck with different parameters?