Straight Reward [Official support]


Please explain to me how to set “Straight Reward”.

I have these settings:

and example card history is like this:

I hit “Good” 5 times and it says I gained 70 Ease Factor but ease remains 180%.

First of all where I set after how many times this add-on starts to change ease? Is 6 times, as in an example:

You rated a card “Good” for the sixth time in a row.

a default value?

How I wish it would work:

My highest ease is set to 250%.

I choose that after 2 times I hit “Good” it changes ease by 15%. The next time I hit “Good” it changes ease by next 15%, and so on, so when I start from ease 180 I need 2 times plus 180+( 5 x15)=255 = 7 times to reach 250% ease.

Is it possible to set this add-on like this? Or in other way to achieve similar result.

I don’t quite understand terms “base reward”, “step reward” and whether there is a difference between “ease factor” and “ease” as given in Anki statistics.

Does the count starts from installation of add-on or it takes into account card history.

If in a given example I had 5 times good why nothing changed?

I don’t understand the settings of this add-on. To me it could work in a simple way. If I hit a certain amount of “Good” button, which is taken from card history, it treats the “Good” button as “Easy” button, until set ease for example 250% is reached. Can your add-on be simplified to work like this?

I am on Anki Version ⁨2.1.43 with v2 scheduler and it doesn’t work at all even with default settings. Even with Begin at straight of length:1.