Specifically studying high -yield step1 xards

I have a copy of Anking v12 that contains cards for Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3. Regarding the “high yield tag” in this version, is it classified based on the Step 1 exam specifically, or is it applicable to all the Step exams? For example, I marked the high yield cards with a red flag and found that some of them are also listed under the Step 2 and Step 3 tags. Does this mean that the high yield card is only for Step 2 and Step 3, or is this classification specific to Step 1?
Thank you.

There aren’t, necessarily, a lot of medical school students prowling these forums all that often (FYI).

But, I happen to speak fluent AnKing and happy to help. :slight_smile:

The ‘high yield’ tag for Anking is nested under the ‘step 1’ tag, which may at least partially answer your question.

That being said, about 2/3’s of the cards are held in common between Step 1 and Step 2 as the exams themselves have lots of overlap, so it’s not quite as simple as saying that the high yield applies only to Step 1. All three exams will, necessarily, have some degree of overlap which is unavoidable.

TL; DR: all cards marked ‘high yield’ are, by definition, applicable to step 1. Some of these cards may also have overlapping relevance with other exams, owing to the nature of content for which those exams are responsible.

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