Sound not playing on reveal card & replay audio in 25.02

I updated to v25.02 from v24.11. Sound no longer plays when flipping a card or when selecting ‘replay audio’.

MPV works fine, as I hear the audio file when I drag an mp3 file into the sound field in the Edit Card window. The sound filenames have not changed, nor have the audio files been moved. Anki v25.02 simply refuses to play sound files when it should. I have tried disabling addons and double-checking all relevant sound options in Preferences and Deck Options.

Downgrading to v24.11 fixes this problem.

Please go to Help > About > Copy Debug Info and paste the text here.

If you go to the debug console and run this, what output do you get?

from aqt.sound import mpvManager

1 Like

Hi, I’ve got the same problem, .wav files are okay but .mp3 files could be not played

Same problem = Same response.
Please do the things that abdo asked above.

Anki 24.11 (87ccd24e) (ao)
Python 3.9.18 Qt 6.6.2 PyQt 6.6.1
Platform: Windows-10-10.0.26100

===Add-ons (active)===
(add-on provided name [Add-on folder, installed at, version, is config changed])
Add Table [‘1237621971’, 2023-06-18T18:37, ‘None’, mod]
Anki IPA [‘799647424’, 2023-11-07T05:24, ‘None’, mod]
AwesomeTTS - Add speech to your flashcards [‘1436550454’, 2025-02-15T15:23, ‘None’, ‘’]
Browser TableEditor side-by-side horizontal split [‘831846358’, 2022-01-26T05:11, ‘None’, ‘’]
Duplicate and Reorder [‘1114271285’, 2023-08-28T03:55, ‘None’, ‘’]
Google Translate [‘1536291224’, 2025-02-13T04:57, ‘None’, mod]
Mini Format Pack [‘295889520’, 2023-11-03T01:00, ‘None’, ‘’]
Review Heatmap [‘1771074083’, 2022-06-30T08:43, ‘None’, ‘’]
See Previous Card Ratings in Reviewer [‘1906641654’, 2025-01-21T11:13, ‘None’, ‘’]
editor paste raw unfiltered full html [‘1765712663’, 2023-11-05T19:54, ‘None’, ‘’]
extended editor for field for tables searchreplace [‘805891399’, 2023-07-31T21:12, ‘None’, mod]
paste plainunformatted text [‘107041104’, 2023-11-05T04:23, ‘None’, ‘’]

===IDs of active AnkiWeb add-ons===
107041104 1114271285 1237621971 1436550454 1536291224 1765712663 1771074083 1906641654 295889520 799647424 805891399 831846358

===Add-ons (inactive)===
(add-on provided name [Add-on folder, installed at, version, is config changed])

Hi, I have zero degree about technique, could you please give me more instruction about run debug console? I paste these sentences into the debug console but dont see the run button