Some textfields show a weird symbol when the text contains certain emojis

I just updated from Anki Desktop 2.1.49 to 2.1.55 on a Mac and noticed that some textfields show a weird symbol when the text contains certain emojis.

Here are some examples:

  • Note and Deck columns in the Browser:

    The deck name should be “:books: Collection:::white_check_mark: Committed:::alembic: General Knowledge::Geography”.
    The note type should be “:arrow_forward: Deutsche Bundesländer”.

  • Note type window:

    It seems that emojis :arrow_forward: and :arrow_right: cause problems.

  • Decks section in the sidebar:

    The highlighted thing should be “:alembic: General Knowledge”
    It seems that other emojis work (:de:, :it:, :white_check_mark:, …), so “:alembic:” seems to cause this behaviour.

To sum it up: At least the following emojis cause weird problems: :alembic: :arrow_forward: :arrow_right: while other emojis work.

I can confirm that this was not an issue on Anki Desktop 2.1.49. Also on the iOS app everything works fine.

Note: This is not an issue with the actual content of the cards. Here all the problematic emojis work fine, as far as I can see.

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Looks like a toolkit issue; this may be resolved when a new version comes out in a few weeks.

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