Show new cards before reviews not working:(

I know that there were some topics with same problem, but didn’t find any solution there. So I use last AnkiDroid version and set deck option to Show before reviews. It’s not working. I tried on PC and phone, all the same. Know abt filtered deck, not the best solution. How to make it finally work?

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Can you demonstrate the problem?

Types of Cards

This is normal behavior for Learning and Relearn cards.

Can you describe how it’s not working? If you’re seeing other cards before New cards, it’s likely they are not actually Review cards.

Demonstrate? You mean describe? I have a deck with cards which I add from time to time. When I add I expect new, just added cards will be shown first. Instead, I see only the cards I added before, not new ones. Maybe I can set some cards as old so they will not be recognized to show me up?


Next time you encounter a problem, take a screenshot.

Card Info

What’s important to know here is still: what cards is it Anki showing you instead of the New cards you want to see? Are they actually Review (green) cards? Or are they Learn (red) cards? One of the ways we could tell that is with the Card Info, as Keks said.

I added a new card, which I want to see first, but it doesn’t appear. This is the info on this card:
Instead when I start studying, everytime another card appears - an old one I have studied already:

As I suspected, that is a short-interval Learn/Relearn card, not a Review card. Those will always be the priority and will be shown as close to when they are due as possible. Since this card was due to be studied after a 10m delay over a week ago (when it lapsed), it is overdue and will be shown first when you start studying for the day.

If you don’t want to see these cards first each day, you should graduate them to Review the day before.

By Review you mean learn it the day before, right? Can I just skip it somehow to give way to new cards?

Bury them from card browser, then unbury. I know the feeling. Sometimes it’s annoying to do those.

By “graduate to Review,” I mean study them as many times as it takes for them to make it through all of your learning steps (you control how many times that is), and get set to a due date for Review. The process is described in Studying.

I know that introducing New cards is more exciting, but as soon as you introduce those New cards, they will enter the learning steps too, and they will need to be studied until they graduate to Review too. If you don’t clear out yesterday’s New cards, you won’t have room to give attention to today’s New cards.

You’re introducing 40 New cards today – which is a lot. How many cards do you have in Learn (red) at the start of a study day? If it’s a lot, you should probably pause your New cards for a while until you get that under control.

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