Sempre que tento entrar no anki para sincronizar minha conta, aparece esse erro. Alguém pode me ajudar?

Para garantir que a sua coleção funcione corretamente caso seja transferida entre dispositivos, o Anki precisa que o relógio interno de seu computador esteja configurado corretamente. O relógio interno pode estar errado mesmo se seu sistema esteja mostrando a hora local correta.
Por favor, abra as configurações do seu computador e verifique o seguinte:

  • AM/PM
  • Clock drift
  • Dia, mês e ano
  • Fuso horário
  • Horário de verão

Diferença para corrigir o tempo: ⁨⁨3580⁩ segundos⁩.

[No need to duplicate your post in another language. I can’t answer you in Portuguese, but someone else probably can!]

That message is telling you that your clock is not set “correctly” – by 3580 seconds (just under 1 hour). That can happen when, for instance: you’ve set your computer to the right time zone, but not the right country (maybe to one that does use DST, when your country doesn’t) – you’re overriding your time-change settings in some other way – etc.

The error gives you the list of things you should check in your computer settings – and see: Anki says my clock is wrong - Frequently Asked Questions . If you’re using an older version of Anki, you can also check Preferences for the “time zone handling” setting – turn on the “new” handling (or turn off the “legacy” handling, depending on which version of Anki you’re using) – Timezone handling changes - Frequently Asked Questions .


I’ve followed all this steps, but it’s don’t working at all :disappointed_relieved:

  • When you went through those settings, did you find anything that needed changing?
  • After you made those changes, did you restart your computer?
  • Are you using an older version of your OS that might not be up-to-date with timezone/DST changes in your area?
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1 - No, everything is how it should be. On standard settings
2 - Yes
3 - No, actually I’m using the most current version

My desktop clock is using the same config as my laptop. But in the Laptop Anki is working perfectly and on desktop no

3 - Are they using the same version of the same OS and connected to the same internet connection? Do they both have the same version of Anki installed?

Now it worked!!!

Thank U for the support!!! Helped me a lot!!!

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