This applies to every sidebar function:
- Saved Searches
- Today
- Flags
- Card States
- Decks
- Note types
- Tags
What should happen (expand and highlight):
This applies to every sidebar function:
What should happen (expand and highlight):
I’m not against it but I have a few design related questions regarding your proposal:
Haven’t thought about multiple queries, but let see
Sure, the elements can be multi selected in the filter search bar, there is even a shade on secondary options
The secondary color, darker blue above, could be used as excluded terms, it won’t even require changes to Recolor and Redesign add-ons
The queries must be equal to the sidebar functions to work
Today functions are, in sequence:
If the number is altered such as rated:2
should the function be selected? Since sidebar only focus on “Today”, then would say no, the user could use a Saved searches to highlight the option
Isn’t this what searching the Sidebar filter already does – Browsing - Anki Manual ? Do we need a 2nd way to do that?
Pair nicely with BetterSearch and Clickable Tags v2.0
Better Search:
1. additional filter dialogs With this add-on when you type “tag:”, “deck:”, “note:”, or “card:”, etc. into the browser search bar a dialog opens that allows you to filter and insert a matching tag, deck, notetype, cardtype, etc. into the search bar. See the gif above. Some sort of fuzzy search is supported: E.g. typing in “b c o” (note the spaces between the characters) will match “vocabulary”.
Clicking the tag fills the searchbar, then selecting a tag should highlight in the sidebar as well
The sidebar highlights every tag, deck and flag containing the same name, while the second is more specific
The sidebar is a tool to make it easier to construct search queries, and the expected flow is sidebar>search, not vice versa.