i put the CB aside,
today revisited it.
just found the experience is much much better.
Have you tried the 2.19 beta? Sanjay’s put in a huge amount of work into Chromebook design this release cycle
no yet,
will try after exam. thx
argued here before i tend to use anki like LTS in ubuntu.
thank you.
Wait - we can run the Anki program on a Chromebook now?
Not just via the Chrome browser version via https://ankiweb.net/decks
but really the anki program?
That would be a break through for all our students with chromebooks.
We made them buy Chromebooks with additional memory, so they could install programs via Linux. But so far nobody managed to install the Anki program.
Thy & Greeting from the Brussels Capital Region
Android apps (so, AnkiDroid) have been running on Chromebooks for many years, as far as I’m aware
The work we put in makes the app look better on larger screens. 2.19 (and 2.20) have now been released and the work is live.
Sanjay’s report with screenshots is here: GSoC-Report/README.md at main · SanjaySargam/GSoC-Report · GitHub