Review intervals are not matching settings

Hello, I’ve been using Anki for about 6 months now and having been loving it.

I just tried to edit my deck to shorten the review intervals. One of my decks responded exactly as anticipated, however, the other only gives the options to review in 24 min (again), 1 day (hard), 1 day (good), 1 day (easy). I set my settings back to the default to fix this, but they are remaining that way. I’m unsure why this is the case.

Can someone please help me understand why my review intervals are stuck like this? I only changed (and changed back the advanced settings) but attached all potentially relevant settings. These are my current settings:

Again, to recap, when I review a card my only options are 24 min (again), 1 day (hard), 1 day (good), 1 day (easy).

If have any idea on how to fix this, please help! Anki is very unhelpful like this.
Thank you in advance.

It would help to see the Card Info for the card this is happening with, but here’s a partial list of possibilities –

  • Changing the re/learning steps while a card is in Re/Learn can cause skipped or repeated learning steps.
  • These might not be the right Deck Options for the deck/subdeck the card is actually in.
  • Intervals that cross the day boundary are converted to 1d.
  • You’re studying in a Filtered/Custom Study deck with reschedule-based-on disabled.

[I would be remiss if I didn’t suggest you leave all of this tweaking behind and enable FSRS. It’s simply a better scheduling algorithm.]

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Hello! Thank you for your helpful input!

It seems that the real issue was a combination of the problems you listed. While I wasn’t able to pinpoint a single error, I believe I had a subdeck with alternative settings, I was already learning cards, and I was using a filtered deck.

I have since corrected the problem by making sure all the setting of all subdecks are under my default settings and then enabling FSRS.

Thanks again for your help!

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Hello again. I’m wondering if you have any idea what might be happening now… I want the cards that I’m learning to appear after 1 min, in front of the rest of my reviews. The settings all match. It appears as 1 min under my “again” option, but it is taking much longer to actually appear in my deck. When I look at my card info it says that I selected the 1 min interval but it took about 30 mins to re-appear as I am continuously reviewing. I am worried that none of the intervals are accurate and I need some quicker repetition for learning some cards.

According to my card info, I clicked again at 20:33, but did not see the card again until 21:18

These are my display order settings:

I would greatly appreciate any input!

Are you studying other Learn/Relearn cards? Short-interval re/learning-step cards will take priority over everything else – except other re/learning-step cards that beat them to the queue. If you’ve got a big backup of Learn/Relearn cards, it can interfere with your learning steps, and cards can get stuck in an impossible-to-pass loop. That’s a problem you need to solve sooner, rather than later.

You can’t control how many cards lapse into Relearn – so it’s doubly important to control you flow of New cards into Learn. Your goal each day should be to graduate all of your Learn/Relearn cards to Review.