Pulling my hair out and I can’t find an answer. I have successfully created basic and reverse cards of a Thai deck I’m building from the vocabulary of a textbook. Initially I created them as basic notes, but then learned I could change the note type to basic (and reversed) and review them back to front, which I know from learning another language helps with speech generation and thought this will be really useful.
I use ankidroid to review the cards, but to change the note type I had to export the deck and import it onto my computer and change the note types. Now on my deck it appears to behave correctly - all the new cards are the “reverse”, starting with the oldest cards in the deck that I have long since reviewed front first, offsetting the addition of new cards with the Thai on the front. However…
My wife is also starting to review this deck, and all her cards are being offered with the reverse side first - all of them. After 3 days I thought that with siblings being buried she would see the initial cards the correct way, but no it appears it is going to give her every single card the wrong way round first?! Which also means that when my own deck has “caught up” it will also just keep showing me the English side first.
This is not the expected behaviour and attempting to rectify it is taking years off my life. I have the insertion order set to sequential and the gather order set to deck, sorted by card type then order gathered (though I have tried just order gathered and this has also not done anything). I’m at the point of just reverting all cards to basic. Please tell me I’m missing something very obvious. Cheers.
Just so you know – you didn’t need to do that. Syncing your deck through AnkiWeb to desktop Anki would have been much more efficient.
But that won’t help you with your main issue now – so back to the point!
Since you’ve already checked all of the relevant settings, this is probably about the order of your newly created cards in the New-queue, but it might be related to your note type.
Looking at the note type first – it sounds like you’re using the default “Basic (and reversed card)” note type, so Card 1 is Front → Back –
Is the Front
field where you have your Thai words? If not, this could be as easy as re-ordering the card types.
If that is already set up correctly, then take a look at the Switching Card Order video – Card Templates - Anki Manual – it’s the old interface, but the 2nd half of the video explains how to use Reposition for newly created cards. You want to get your new New cards set on the same New-queue numbers as their siblings, and Reposition will do that automatically.
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To your first point, this is a tangent but for the last 6-12 months Ankidroid crashes on sync 100% of the time, so I avoid using it. Exporting my decks and reinstalling the app has never fixed this, nor any update to the app, and if I set up Ankidroid to sync on restart the app is bricked until I reinstall. I never chased it because no one complains about it so I figured I was just special.
As for the other part, I did try switching card1 and 2 to no effect, but I might have done it incorrectly - I was experiencing OCD induced anxiety, as is possibly evident from my initial post. But my deck is laid out so that the Thai word is on the front, and the English translation is on the back. I will check out that video tomorrow and let you know how I go, thanks for your input.
I apologise if that last reply came off as rude or ungrateful btw I am terrible at not sounding short in online discourse, anyways I watched that video and it looks like it perfectly addresses what I’m trying to do, thank you.
Edit: not only was your solution correct but I was able to add second cards using Ankidroid on my phone, worked out renaming card types and sort out positioning as well, and I feel like I have a better understanding of how to create a deck like this in the future. Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.
You didn’t sound rude or ungrateful – just understandably frustrated and confused.
That might be solvable too, so when you’re interested in giving AnkiDroid a try again, this will be the right place (well, one of the right places) to ask about that.
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Oh I still use the app, I just never sync it to ankiweb. I periodically export the deck to make backups. It has never seemed like necessary functionality to have, or I probably would have tried harder to fix it.
Actually with your suggestion for fixing my cards I was able to use the app to generate a second card with the flipped template and to arrange the order without needing to move the deck to desktop at all. I tend to do most of my language learning stuff in the regular periods of downtime while I’m at work, so using the mobile app is mandatory. I suppose I would care more about the sync issue if I were to lose a large chunk of progress due to a malfunction of some kind haha
Having your collection on only one device (which can be dropped or drowned or lost or stolen) is a risk. But if manual export backups are enough to put you at ease, then your system works for you. 
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I confess to not having thought about something physically happening to my phone. Um, what would you suggest by way of rectifying it? As I said, clearing app cache and reinstalling it did not do anything.
You might want to wait for Danika_Dakika to answer with more general troubleshooting steps that any user can do.
But here’s something you can do already:
- Download AnkiDroid.
- Run
adb logcat
(see android - Using adb logcat with a real phone (and not the emulator) - Stack Overflow for instructions)
- Try to sync.
- If it crashes, copy the relevant log into this forum. It will probably show you what went wrong.
Before I would suggest anything, you’d have to tell us about the problem.
What version? What are your device details? Don’t just say “all versions” or “current version” – Go to Settings > About> Copy debug info – paste that here when you respond.
It’s not failing 100% of the time, is it? I can see that you have an Android device syncing with your AnkiWeb account. [It doesn’t look like you’re syncing your desktop Anki – which is another concern, but we’ll have to table that for now.]
I’m using Ankidroid version 2.20.1 from the 24 Dec 2024, it also says anki 24.11 / c47638ca and FRSR 1.4.3 under that if that helps at all. Edit: my reading comprehension needs work.
AnkiDroid Version = 2.20.1 (e32a82c33646807ea19623c9c88be38965bc07e6)
Backend Version = 0.1.48-anki24.11 (24.11 c47638ca36f99dd4f3b81ae82d964aec66e392e0)
Android Version = 15 (SDK 35)
ProductFlavor = play
Manufacturer = Google
Model = Pixel 8a
Hardware = akita
Webview User Agent = Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 15; Pixel 8a Build/AP4A.250105.002.B1; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/132.0.6834.163 Mobile Safari/537.36
ACRA UUID = aa924d55-11e3-4fca-af0b-acb9a6f69cac
FSRS = 1.4.3 (Enabled: false)
Crash Reports Enabled = true
The device I’m using is a Google Pixel 8a running Android 15 (up to date, it isn’t giving me a more specific version number). I did mention this but the reason my desktop has not synced to Ankiweb is because I do not use Anki on desktop, ever. I installed it to set up cards because I could not bulk change note type on Ankidroid, and have since discovered that I did not need to do that to generate reverse cards anyways, so I will return to not using it on desktop.
I’ve checked out my account on Ankiweb, and it’s not displaying my old Japanese vocab decks or even my much more recent homebrewed Thai alphabet deck (meaning it’s synced since I deleted it?!) but it hasn’t synced since my deck had 100ish cards in it (that number is now closer to 450, not including the reversed cards which totals 898 on the dot). But when my deck only had 109 cards I was also using the Thai alphabet deck to memorise vowels, consonants, tone rules so… I don’t know. I haven’t intentionally synced to Ankiweb in a long time but I don’t know exactly when it last was.
I just tried to sync it now to take a screenshot and it appears to have worked? But also crashed.
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I’ll ask the devs to look at that crash report.
It looks like that’s not a “crash” in the traditional sense. It’s an “application not responding” [ANR] – and it is caused by syncing when notifications are disabled. The devs are aware of it and working on requesting the permission here instead of freezing. For now, they are suggesting to allow notification permissions for AnkiDroid, and see if the sync will complete.
[This is me theorizing/editorializing – The only notification I ever get from AnkiDroid is when I sync on exit or when the app loses focus during syncing, letting me know that sync completed. That sounds like what this is related to. So if you’re reluctant to allow more notifications, even just allowing AnkiDroid for synchronization might be enough. Start with that?]
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@Danika_Dakika For future reference for myself: Where did you get the crash report from or how did you deduce that from the current desciption?
I cannot see a crash report (which is actually similar to what adb logcat
would have shown) here and am really confused now. Can you see it in his account because you’re a part of ankitects (meaning it’s not publicly visible)?
Sometimes I poke at the AnkiDroid devs in the Anki Discord server and ask them to take a look at things. 

In this case, there wasn’t a crash reported in ACRA because the app didn’t “crash.”
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Oh, that is interesting. Yes, in an effort to improve my mental health and reduce the amount of time I spend “resting” between productive activities by mindlessly scrolling, binge watching youtube or playing video games I have indeed cleaned up my phone and disabled notifications on literally every app. I can re-enable them, Anki, was never particularly obtrusive with notifications anyway (it’s not the kind of app that begs for your attention 24/7 in order to advertise at you). Thanks, I would never have made the connection.
Edit: curiously, if I allow the app to show notifications but then select “never notify” as an option within Anki, it syncs without hanging
(I was a programmer 15+ years ago so I shouldn’t have said crash, but that was so long ago it’s like someone else’s life). Anyways thank you, you’re 2 for 2 and I’m out of problems for you to fix. Much appreciated.
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