I have some questions about how Anki handles leeches:
Suppose my leech action setting is “tag only”. I click “again” on a card 8 times, and it is marked as a leech. Then I remove the “leech” tag and click “again” on it again while reviewing. Will it get marked as a leech again? What if I click “again” 8 more times on that card?
Suppose my leech action setting is “suspend card”. I click “again” on a card 8 times, and it gets suspended. Then I manually unsuspend it, and click “again” on it again while reviewing. Will it get suspended again? What if I click “again” 8 more times on that card?
I asked about this on the Anki subreddit but didn’t get a response, so I’m asking here.
@OldGrantonian what do you mean “In practice, it would never happen, because the user will immediately redesign the card”? I have lots of leeches.
Sometimes I intend to redesign them, but I’m busy, or I postpone it, or I can’t think of any reasonable way to redesign them.
And sometimes I redesign them by editing them. Am I supposed to do that? I have a hard time deciding whether to edit my existing cards or to delete them and create new ones. And if I edit them, I’m uncertain whether it is a good idea to remove the “leech” tag. If I edit them, they keep their review history, right? What would happen if I fail them again?
I think your Goldfinger quote is completely irrelevant. Failing a card 3 times is “enemy action”??? Or is it just human memory acting as it usually does, and not remembering everything perfectly?
Is the fact that one has failed a card 3 times a reason to redesign it? Maybe the default is 8 for a good reason, but that is irrelevant to my question.
I believe the card is re-tagged or suspended after every half leech threshold. From the manual:
Anki will continue to issue leech warnings periodically for a difficult card. The warning interval is half the initial leech threshold. That is, if you have Anki configured to warn at 8 lapses, future warnings will happen every 4 lapses. (12, 16, etc)
I have a couple of cursed cards, each with about 100 repetitions, that I keep failing every 10 reviews. Some could be badly formatted and irrelevant to my mind, but one particular card that I keep failing that I think should be relevant to my mind to remember it is a card asking for my father’s phone number, but it just refuses to stick in my mind
I noticed that in the manual, but it seems unclear to me whether or not issuing leech warnings is the same thing as marking a card as a leech, or suspending it.
Some day, if I don’t get a definite answer, I might do an experiment, or look through the Anki source code and see if I can figure it out. But I am not making any promises.
I’m guessing this card info screen is what shows in the card browser if I right click on a card, then click “Info”. Is that right?
If so, what leech counter are you referring to? Is it the number where it says “lapses” (which I would expect to be unaffected by leech actions)? Or something else?