Question cards are blank - everything is on the answer card

I have been using Anki on the web and Android without issue, but this has started happening. I have looked for an answer but can’t see anything specific to this issue.

When I look at a card, it is either blank, or has the dashes indicating a typed answer is required, but no question. Clicking “show answer” show that all the info is there but on the answer side. It doesn’t say “the front of this card is blank” as some have reported.

This DOES NOT happen if a card is numbered/red for review, which show normally. Anything else looks like this below, both on the web version and the Android version.

In this example “where’s the groom” should be the question, and the typed answer required “dov’e lo sposo”. You can see all the information is there, it’s just not showing correctly. I don’t recall making any changes to my set-up. I tend to only use the typed answer cards, or the front/reverse option.

I tend to only use the typed answer cards, or the front/reverse option.

Can you show the template code? You can find it in Manage note types. Click the type-in-answer note type you’re using and thenbfrom the menu on top-right select Copy as markdown. Then paste it here.

Sorry - I don’t understand - I’ve found Manage Note Types, but I then have this - I can’t work out the Copy as Markdown? I would just point out that whatever has happened has happened to both the Basic & Reversed Cards and the Basic Type the Answer cards. It just happens that the screenshot was of a Type the Answer type. For the Basic cards I literally just have a white page.

I think that there’s a sync error that might be contributing - even though I have synced on the web, every deck I then go to has the sync in blue like this even though nothing further has happened on any other device?

It first occurred after I had a sync error which I shouldn’t have as I have it set to sync every time I close the application.

We’ll really do need to see your templates to help – front, back, and styling. Please post them as text in a code/preformatted text block.

On AnkiDroid –
3-dots menu > Manage note types > click Edit cards for the correct note type > 3-dots menu > Copy as markdown [which will already be formatted correctly, so you can just paste it here].

On Desktop –
You got to the right place, you just need to select the note type you are using, and Cards.

It might also help to see one of your notes, so we understand what you have in each field.

I think I have managed to resolve this - somehow my templates had changed (no idea how!) but I have managed to resolve this by amending the default templates and all now seems to be working correctly.

Thank you


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