Puppy Reinforcement [Official Support Thread]

This is the official support thread for the Puppy Reinforcement add-on.

If you have a general support-related question, please feel free to post it here.

If you run into a bug and are familiar with GitHub, please consider filing a bug report, instead. The entry form on GitHub takes care of a lot of the troubleshooting groundwork, which makes it a lot easier for me to reproduce bugs and fix them.


New release:

Version 1.1.0 – 2023-11-14


  • Added support for Anki 23.10+
  • The tooltip position is now fully customizable, both horizontally and vertically (thanks to eotini23 on Patreon for the idea!)
  • Add option to disable tooltips while reviewing cards (thanks to Jamie on Patreon for the idea!)
  • Add option to reset the counter once a new day starts (thanks to p4nix on Patreon for the idea!)


  • Suppress warning on unclosed windows


  • Rewrote notification/tooltip module from scratch, paving the way for the new features listed above, and many more to come!

You can view all past releases here.

I currently have Version ⁨24.06.3 anki. I went ahead and chose to add my photos and change the “disable default image” to true. Although, my photos sometimes are showing sideways or upside down. What can I do to fix this? I tried increasing the image size but it did not fix it.

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Hi there, it sounds like this could be due to your PC/Mac and Anki interpreting image orientation metadata differently. A lot of photos will look rotated, but the actual image is not rotated, rather there are instructions attached to it that tell the image viewer to show the image in a particular way (metadata). So one fix that could work here would be to actually rotate the image according to those instructions.

Looking into this briefly, there are a number of tools you could use for this, this post names a few for Mac for instance: macos - How to automatically rotate images based on EXIF data? - Super User

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