Possible bug with gamepad scrolling controls

Hello everyone,

I’ve successfully paired an 8BitDo Zero 2 Bluetooth gamepad with my iPad and configured the controls within the gamepad settings. Everything functions correctly except for the “scroll up” and “scroll down” actions. Assigning these actions to any button fails to enable scrolling through the controller.

Interestingly, if I switch my D-pad to analog output mode, the up and down buttons on the D-pad allow for scrolling without any specific assignments in the gamepad settings. However, this solution prevents the use of other D-pad buttons and isn’t practical when the controller is used in a vertical orientation.

Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?

Thanks in advance!

If you assign those actions to a button in the top bar, do they work? Does restarting the app work? I’m pretty sure these were tested when introduced, but it’s possible there’s been a regression somewhere.

Thank you for your quick response! Trying restarting right now. Does top bar mean a known working button like ABXY?
When I am in the gamepad settings, each button pressed on the controller shows a “pressed {button}” notification.

Restarting worked, Thanks a ton!

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