Paste not working

Hi somehow my cmd v (paste) keyboard shortcut does not work for anki.

When I copy something from the safari browser it doesn’t let me paste it into the any field. When I copy something from text or within anki there is no problem.

This is what I wanted to paste:

if (myObjekt != null) {
// tue irgendwas mit dem Objekt

Is this a bug? What’s wrong.

Sounds odd to me that copy and paste works every single time except if you copy something out of the safari browser.

Can you verify that you actually did copy something into the clipboard? If you go to a text editor and try to paste the text that you copied into your clipboard (and that you got out of the safari browser), does it work? Or is anki actually the only app where pasting stuff from the safari browser doesn’t work?

Also please provide us infos about what OS you’re using as well as the output of ankis “help > About > Copy debug info”.


Sorry for the delayed response thanks for your patience.

Yes I can verify it i can paste this into notes and any other program except anki:

public double getSpeed() {
return speed;

It’s copied from safari with cmd c

I am on MacOS 15.1.1 (24B91)
I already had similar little problems with anki like the subscript shortcut not working in anki (cmd shf =) the anki interface sais when hovering over the button.

Debug info: Anki 24.11 (87ccd24e) (ao)
Python 3.9.18 Qt 6.6.2 PyQt 6.6.1
Platform: macOS-15.1.1-arm64-arm-64bit

===Add-ons (active)===
(add-on provided name [Add-on folder, installed at, version, is config changed])
Audiovisual Feedback [‘231569866’, 2023-07-09T05:34, ‘0.8’, mod]
FSRS Helper Postpone Advance Load Balance Easy Days Disperse Siblings [‘759844606’, 2024-12-07T12:00, ‘None’, mod]
ReColor [‘688199788’, 2024-03-03T02:45, ‘3.0’, mod]
Remove Duplicate Cards [‘95590040’, 2024-09-29T17:56, ‘None’, ‘’]
Review Heatmap [‘1771074083’, 2022-06-30T03:43, ‘None’, ‘’]

===IDs of active AnkiWeb add-ons===
1771074083 231569866 688199788 759844606 95590040

===Add-ons (inactive)===
(add-on provided name [Add-on folder, installed at, version, is config changed])
Advanced Browser [‘874215009’, 2024-10-27T15:20, ‘None’, ‘’]
Life Drain [‘715575551’, 2024-12-03T07:44, ‘None’, mod]
Speed Focus Mode auto-alert auto-reveal auto-answer [‘1046608507’, 2022-12-16T12:24, ‘None’, ‘’]

Since you’re having trouble with other shortcuts as well – is the problem only with the keyboard shortcut? Have you tried right/secondary-click, and selecting Paste from the menu?

Are you using a keyboard layout other than English-International-QWERTY?


Hi, right click paste does not work as well. I can copy and paste something already written within anki without problems. Just not from safari. This is so confusing.
I am using a german qwertz keyboard. Most shortcuts work perfectly fine.

Superscript works with fn cmd + instead of the shown shortcut by anki of cmd =.

Quite annoying.

Is it particular websites that are the problem? I copied that text from your forum post (which was open in Safari), and had no trouble pasting it into Anki. Other things you could try are starting Anki with shift held down to disable all add-ons, and trying to disable third-party software running on your machine that may be monitoring the clipboard (clipboard managers, utilities like Alfred, etc).


Here is the exact site I am trying to copy from:

I can copy it to other apps but not to anki.

What you attached is a PDF file, but you’re calling it a site, and you were copying from Safari earlier. Do you display your PDF files in Safari? When you tried to copy from it, was it from a remotely hosted version of the PDF, or a locally downloaded copy of the PDF?

Have you tried opening the PDF in something besides Safari – another browser or app?

I’m not finding text in this document that matches any of your examples – so I opened the file in Adobe, selected something at random from page 7, Ctrl C, Ctrl V – and it worked fine. [Windows 11]


yea I opened the pdf within safari. Once I downloaded it it worked fine. But It still doesn’t work from the safari browser. Maybe it has something to do with html tags being copied over idk.

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I use anki on linux with a german qwertz layout and opened your pdf in firefox. It works fine for me.

Can you install another browser and check if it works with that browser? If it does work, then there is an issue with your safari browser.

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It could also be that copying from the PDF in safari puts metadata into clipboard that Anki doesn’t like.

Years ago I had an annoying problem where I could not paste equations into a program I was using because the clipboard was storing it as MathML and the program I was pasting into only expected Plain Text (with LaTeX-like markup).

I had to write a program to do the conversion to make it work.


Something else you could check: maybe pasting into the field directly doesn’t work, but pasting into its html field does work for you (press < >).

I don’t think it will make a difference but maybe you’ll see something (like the metadata rossgb mentioned) that way and maybe that something interferes somehow.

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