Hello, I have a problem because I can’t copy and paste information from a word document to anki even though it usually works. I tried to change the format. I can’t copy and paste information that comes from a world file. What should I do?
“I can’t” doesn’t tell us much about what is going on.
What happens instead of it pasting successfully? Nothing is pasted? The wrong thing is pasted? It looks like it’s pasted, but invisible? Or …?
What does “I tried to change the format” mean, and how does it factor in to what you’re reporting?
Are you using the mouse/right-click context-menu items or keyboard shortcuts?
What if you try to paste it somewhere else, like in a notepad/text file – does anything show up there? If not, it might be a copy issue, like you’re not picking up what you expect.
What type of information are you copying and pasting? A whole paragraph, or just a singular sentence?
When I copy and paste on Anki, nothing is displayed. However, when I copy and paste in another application such as Notepad, it works.
When I talk about changing the format, I tried to put my document in PDF, when I copy and paste on a PDF document, it works, but I don’t have the colors or the layout.
In addition, I tried the different types of copy and paste, with the mouse or with the keyboard and both do not display anything.
I tried both and both don’t work
Where are you trying to paste in Anki?
You say nothing is displayed – but can you tell that nothing is being pasted?
What about when you copy from other sources – can you paste in Anki then?
yes I can’t paste anything
moreover when it comes from another source than a word document, like a PDF for example, it works
I’m sorry, I didn’t see your reply.
There is nothing magical that Anki is doing with whatever you picked up in your copy buffer, so if there is something there that is paste-able in another app, it should be paste-able in Anki.
I don’t think I saw an answer to this one –
- Can you give an example of something you have copied that doesn’t result in anything being pasted into Anki (but that exact same copy does paste in another app)?
Have you gone through all of the questions and suggestions I had for OP? I would start with the same list for you.
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