Unable to copy text from Word and Paste onto ANKI

Good evening, recently, I have been unable to copy and paste text from Word onto ANKI. My ANKI is up to date, I have tried using the ctrl + shift + v to paste, and I checked my clipboard manager on word, and it still seems like it won’t paste onto ANKI. I even tried to reset it, but it still does not allow me to paste text onto ANKI.

It is interesting because I am able to paste from Google, pdf, and chatGPT, but not Word. I would like to see if anybody has insight on how to fix this.

There’s a similar existing issue: Pasting from Word has stopped working · Issue #3580 · ankitects/anki · GitHub

After looking at this, it hasn’t been answered yet on Github. Do you have any insight?

What I’ve been able to glean from the reports so far is that it could be a language-pack issue. No one has been able to reproduce it.

Go through these threads – and the GitHub issue – and give us answers to all of the questions we asked of other users. That will give us somewhere to start.


I checked and nothing worked. I couldn’t find an answer.

There’s nothing we can do about that if you don’t answer the questions.

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