Option to not take audio focus

I recently noticed that besides requesting audio focus, ankidroid also checks whether it has received it (I believe it is due to this commit). I would like to be able to have multiple audio sources at once (music and anki). Before this change I was able to do that simply by disabling ankidroid’s ability to take focus, but now if I do that audio does not play at all. Such behavior is probably fine for many users, however I would be glad if there was a toggle somewhere in the settings, which would make ankidroid not take audio focus at all.

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I haven’t yet updated to latest beta, are you not able to play any sound at all if you play music? That would affect a lot of people I believe, music helps some people to concentrate and sometimes audio in cards allow us to answer the question quickly.

In my case, I use a deck for Kanken (a Japanese Kanji writing test) which has a sentence on front with an audio of it, reading takes time so I often just listen to the audio while writing out the relevant Kanji. I’m looking at my notebook so otherwise I’ll have to check the sentence first and then move to my notebook to write out the characters.

I’d hope they reconsider changes that affect music listeners.

Sorry, it appears that the issue was my fault. Seems that me playing with permissions was it. After changing things back to how they are by default everything behaves as it should.

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