I would like to add to my cards an example sentence audio that is not played automatically when the card is displayed. I would like the play button a appear and the sound to be played only if I press the button. Is it possible to do that?
I’m afraid this is not currently possible to control on a per-field basis - but there is a setting in the deck options to disable or enable autoplay for a given deck.
You can add this script in front template, as a result, the sound that is specified in the template first, pronunciation of a word for example, will be played. Other files will not play.
Unfortunately, it did not work. But I found another code on Reddit that worked:
var elem = document.querySelector(".soundLink, .replaybutton"); // AnkiMobile & AnkiDroid / AnkiDesktop
if (elem) { elem.click(); }
But the problem with this code is that, when you disable the autoplay, it still plays the first audio. Is there a solution for this? Thanks in advance.
Many thanks for this solution: I had been looking for a solution to playing first audio on a card. Finer control on a per-field basis would be great (one for the wishlist perhaps?)