Notifications issues

So I know there are already multiple older discussions about Notifications with the iOS app.
But I still want to bring it up again, since I still have trouble getting them to work consistently.

I tried disabling them, turning them back on, keeping the app running fully (which I find weird to begin with since every other app on my phone manages to schedule notifications), changing notification times, …

It’s a bit frustrating that such a basic feature isn’t working properly.

Are these the older discussions that you’ve already worked your way through?

If there’s nothing promising there, let’s start with –

  1. Are you using the most updated version of AnkiMobile (24.11)?
  2. What version of iOS are you using, and on what device?

Yes correct!

I’m using Anki 24.11 on an iPhone 16 pro with IOS 18.2

The majority of your apps are probably responding to messages sent via a server. AnkiMobile is designed not to require network access, but that means that notifications need to be scheduled either when the app is running, or overnight.

How exactly are the notifications failing to work for you?

I see.
But when is the scheduling happening exactly?

I use Anki daily at around 10. that’s also when the Notification should come up. But it just doesn’t come most of the times.

AnkiMobile asks iOS to call a background task just after your configured ‘next day starts at’ rolls around. That in turn checks how many cards are now due, and schedules the notification to be displayed at your configured hour.

So we can figure out what’s happening for you, please get into the habit of leaving AnkiMobile on the study/congratulations page, or some other page than the deck list. Then when you go to use Anki after 10, if the notification failed to appear, when you tap on the app, are you greeted with the screen you were on before, or do you see the deck list? If the deck list has appeared, that means the app has been closed since it was last run.

Do you charge your phone overnight?

Ok I will try that.
However I grew the habit of switching to the deck view to synchronize to ankiweb after studying.

I realise it’s an inconvenience - you can go back to old habits as soon as we know whether it’s returning to the deck list screen on days where the notification fails to appear.

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The last two days it worked properly.
Then it’s very likely related to having accidentally closed Anki before.
Sorry for that.

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No problem! Hopefully you don’t run into any further issues.

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Thank you.

While we’re at it I was confused by the counter shown in the notification and also in the badge.
They always represent only the green number of cards, while in fact there (in my case) 10 additional blue ones.

New cards (what you see on the blue counter) are never actually due today. That counter marks your “allowance” of cards for the day – a maximum, not a minimum.

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I see!

Thanks for the clarification!