Notification Badges on iPhone not Showing Up

Hi. I know this has been posted before but I’ve tried everything that was recommended and it’s still not working for me.

I believe I’ve set up alerts so a badge appears on the app that shows me how many cards I have to review that day but the badge alert doesn’t appear unless I open the app and close it immediately. When I do this, the badges appear exactly how I would expect but obviously having to open and close the app to see how many alerts I have kind of defeats the purpose of the alert.

I have tried:

  • Deleting and re-installing the app
  • Leaving the app running (not force closing it)
  • Going to Preferences>Review>Notifications and turning notifications off and on again.
  • I have badges (and all other alerts) enabled in iPhone settings
  • I’ve left the app open on a screen other than the deck list overnight to see if I still see that screen or the deck list screen instead and I still see the other screen, not the deck list screen

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!