No sound comes out

Only, if to update to the latest Anki version (2.1.48). Simply reinstalling the same Anki version unlikely will fix this issue, but maybe restart your PC and try to start Anki without add-ons.

I assume the issue is not specific to just one card and there’s no sound in all cards, and there’s no sound in this deck too -

To illustrate the previous reply, here’s two short clips.

  • Volume Mixer
  • Check Media and C:\Program Files\Anki\mpv.exe

Another option to check if it’s a file-related, OS-related, Anki-related or mpv-related issue is to add a new Anki card and drag-and-drop an mp3 file into the field in the editor. Anki will copy it to the folder and will play it back immediately using mpv video player.

Another possible option is to try to play the audio file with mpv using the debug console to see if it works or not.

from aqt.sound import mpvManager
mpvManager.command("loadfile", "", "replace")

Though you could also try to install the latest Anki version with mplayer support (instead of mpv) to play sound files (anki-2.1.35-windows-alternate.exe). It’ll be installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\Anki and you will need to downgrade your collection first.

If downgrading from a newer version, please make sure you use the Downgrade & Quit button first .