Hi, recently I’ve encountered a weird issue with Anki.
So I accidentally unplugged my headset while Anki was open, plugged it back in and now there is no sound. I’ve reinstalled Anki, updated mpv, restarted PC and done almost every suggestion from the forums.
I tried opening MPV and it does play audio (I tried an .mp3 with music), but if I drag and drop a file from collection.media, it doesn’t work.
Anki will use whatever sound output you have selected through your OS – and it can withstand changing audio output while open just fine, so I’m not sure where this issue is coming from.
Have you checked your OS and selected different sound outputs?
If you don’t have any other speakers or sound outputs, you can still check your OS and make sure it has one of (the correct one of) your headsets selected. Then restart Anki.
Hey so what I ended up doing was reinstall the audio driver from NVIDIA rather than deleting it from device manager and restarting PC, and now it worked. I don’t know why, but now it works. And I am using wired headsets