New cards dont advance

I have settings for new cards : 15m 1d 3d

However my cards don’t seem to advance to new step.

after hitting good for the first time it should be in 1 day which is correct but then next day after hitting good again why it is due not in 3 days but in 1 day again?

Have you changed your learning steps recently? There is a known issue where changing steps mid-study can cause steps to get repeated.

yes i changed it recently, so there is nothing i can do?

I don’t think you can. Another thing to keep in mind is, syncing can also do this to your cards.

If you can provide the exact steps that reproduce the issue, someone might be able to figure out what’s causing this.

This will work itself out in another review or two. If it’s a lot of cards and you want them straightened out right away, your only options are to reset the cards to New, or use Set Due Date to set the day you’ll see them – but that will also graduate them to Review.