My anki desktop and ankiweb won't sync

I have an account and whenever I press the sync tab at the top it asks for my Anki ID and password, I symply put my email and password in but whever I press okay the app just closes and when I open it again it says to do the same thing but it keeps closing when I enter it.

Is this a fresh install of version 24.04 that hasn’t synced before?

That version has a known crash issue, which you can work around by trying these things, or you can (probably) solve by upgrading to 24.04.01.

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I installed it a few weeks ago, I’m not sure which version it is

You can find out at – Help > About > Copy Debug Info.
But 24.04 was the “most recent” version from 31 March - 11 April, so that fits the timeframe.

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