Log in anki desktop (windows)

I have had anki for several years now, but have not used it in awhile. Recently, I started using it again and realized that I am unable to login to my desktop app to sync it to my phone app and ankiweb. Whenever I attempt to login on the desktop app with the same credentials I use for ankiweb, I get the error message that my username and/or password are incorrect. Where can I find my anki ID? Or is there another way to resolve this issue?

I’ve already attempted uninstalling and then reinstalling the app.

It is possible that your AnkiWeb account was deleted. AnkiWeb account removal - Frequently Asked Questions

Your Anki ID should be the email address associated with your account.

I still log into my ankiweb account. I even did so today thinking I might need to make a new one

If your account is still there, that’s great. Are you sure you’re putting the correct email address and password in AnkiDesktop? https://ankiweb.net/account/settings

yes, I’m fairly sure, since it shoukd be the same as the one i use for ankiweb

If you’re using it to sign-in to AnkiWeb, and to sign-in on your mobile app, then it should work to setup syncing in AnkiDesktop as well. Are you sure about the password?

If you visit ankiweb.net, log out if logged in, then enter your login details again, if they’re accepted, they should also work when syncing.

I’ve done this several times. I’ve even changed my password to be sure I was typing in the right one. I remain unable to login to anki desktop

Yes, I’m sure about my password

I’m genuinely stumped. So I 2nd-guessed myself and signed out and in on Desktop and Droid to see if something bigger is going wrong. The only time I got that error was when I deliberately mis-typed seomthing something.

What versions of Desktop and Mobile/Droid are you using?

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Please ensure your Anki is up to date, and you don’t have a custom sync server specified in the preferences screen. If you have a proxy set up on your system, and it requires a username and password, that may also be the issue.

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