Learn Persian with Chai and Conversation

I’ve created Anki decks for the Persian language from the content of Chai and Converation lessons by Leyla Shams. Please let me know here if you have any questions/feedback!


Wonderful! I think adding pictures would be a good idea. I might do that myself, at least with unit 1?

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Beautiful and hard work. Thank you very much. I saw the topics from every lesson. Do you know a way to filter on topics so I can start with lesson 1 etc.
Thank you,

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@escalinci Yes that’s a good idea. The field is there for this purpose but I won’t be adding actual images to the shared deck. The process of the user adding images will help reinforce the memorization.

@Haganz you’re welcome! That’s a great question and something I hadn’t considered. Typically Anki cards are learned in random order but this is configurable in settings. I believe the cards will be sorted by the Persian words by default, and there is no way to sort them by lesson. I will have to update the deck to support that. Can’t promise that anytime soon but will try to do that on the next iteration!

Hi! I’d love to try it, but I can’t find it… Could you please help me?:slight_smile:

Hi @Idishh, you can find them by searching Anki shared decks. For some reason I’m not able to post links here. Please go to ankiweb dot net slash shared slash decks and search for chai and conversation :wink:

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I updated uni one with the tags les 1 till les 10. I will try to place this on shared decks.