Learn main deck instead of filtered deck isn't featured anymore?

With the last update on Version ⁨23.12.1 (1a1d4d54)⁩, Python 3.9.15 Qt 6.6.1 PyQt 6.6.1 the tip of the shared deck Duolingo Spanish for English speakers (247695077) doesn’t work anymore.

The search term for this filtered deck would then be something like -tag:::21* -tag:::20 -tag:::1 -tag:::0 "tag:* Spanish::" is:new if you are already familiar with lessons 1-21. Now just prepend -tag:::22** if you want to ‘add’ lesson 22 back to your language deck.

If i would to learn Languages::Spanish Anki, Anki now shows me cards of the filtered deck.

So isn’t this featured anymore or is it a bug?

After select “New cards ignore review limit” in deck option, it works fine again?! So im still not sure if that is a bug or not.


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