Is it not possible to make a selected text *bold* and ''cloze deletion'' at the same time (with just one shortcut)? Or set all ''cloze'' to bold?

Hi everyone!

In texts where I use more than one “cloze deletion”, I want the other “clozes” to appear bold. But for this, I have to select the texts first and cloze all of them, then select the same texts again and bold them with Ctrl+b. It wastes a lot of time when I do this for each cloze. Is there any keyboard shortcut or other method to cloze and bold the words I select at the same time? Or set all ‘‘cloze’’ to bold?

I have seen other people having this problem but unfortunately could not found a clear solution.
I left a card below as an example. I hope we can find a solution. Thank you in advance.

Hi! Try adding this code to the Styling section of your template:

.cloze-inactive { font-weight: bold; }


It’s probably time to add some of these “secret” CSS categories to the documentation …

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Yessss, pls divulge all of your finest secrets :pray:

I wish I knew them! The hard part of trying to document features that have been added in the past few years and got missed is figuring out what they even are. :person_facepalming:t4:

Looks like this has been around since 2.1.56. The only thing I see in the same vicinities of code is .cloze-highlight – anyone know what that does?

Step 1: document that it needs to be documented :sweat_smile:Document cloze formatting classes · Issue #309 · ankitects/anki-manual · GitHub .

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I think it is only used internally so that the image occlusion card shows a red border when the card is revealed.
@krmanik implemented it in PR #3098.

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Thank you! :heart:

Thank you so much! You’ve relieved me of a great burden.

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