iPhone review sync issue - review counter remains at 0


I have the following strange problem and would be very grateful for some advice:
Every now and then, especially when I make reviews with the official iPhone Anki app, they are synchronized but no due dates are set and the review counter remains at 0 (see screenshot).

Setting flags or suspending cards is also not synchronized. I have not had this problem on the iPad or Mac / PC so far I use a filtered deck with the following settings:

deck:Study::Clinic::Ankizin (is:new OR is:due) (-tag:leech* -is:suspended)

As a result, cards that I answered with “Easy” the day before appear again in the filtered deck as “New” the next day.

I have already run the “Check Database” function on all devices without any improvement.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as this issue has plagued me for quite a while and across several versions of Anki & several different decks.

Thank you :slight_smile:

What this sounds like more than anything is not being strict about your syncing. It’s especially hard to keep 3+ devices in sync, so you have to be absolute about it.

  • Sync when you open the app AND when you close/leave the app, on every device every time.
  • Don’t have changes happening in multiple devices at the same time.

Since it seems like they are out of sync right now, you’ll have to do a full round of syncing to get them caught up. You choose what order you want to do them, but sync device A, device B, device C, and then device A again.

I can allow space for their being more complicated reasons for this (especially around add-ons), but try strict syncing habits for a bit first and see if the issue pops up again.

Thanks for your reply.

Although I am uncertain about the exact nature of the issue’s reproducibility, I feel confident in excluding causes rooted exclusively in the way I handle hitting the sync buttons.

As a matter of fact, I faced this issue again two days ago and yesterday. Both times, I reviewed 200+ cards using the official iPad app, synchronised the progress right after only to find all progress I made to be non-existent the next day. Missing data:

  • Updated review count (still at 0) for all cards
  • New flags (flag 1 for ~ 30 cards)
  • Suspended cards (appear as unsuspended again)

So, thanks again for your advice - my syncing routine has been consistent and this issue keeps appearing only every so often.
I first faced this issue about a year ago and believe it first came up after I enabled FSRS for the first time.

Is there any way how the FSRS scheduler could produce a situation where a card that was rated as easy on the initial contact with the above settings to have the review counter remain at 0, even though a “last review” date is set on that card?
Even stranger, there is that issue of flags and suspensions not being synchronised.
Changes to cards (meaning modifications to field contents) are properly persisted btw…

This is a really annoying, almost workflow-breaking bug for me.
I’ve had to manually sort through hundreds of already reviewed and easy-rated/suspended cards each day before I can start my reviews.

Thanks again for any help : )

From what you have described, it does sound like a sync conflict as Danika suspects. This is particularly easy to have happen when you use add-ons that make bulk modifications to cards, such as ones that will automatically rebuild filtered decks.

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Thanks for your input Damien.
I have disabled the add-on that rebuilds filtered decks and the FSRS Helper for now and will report if the issue persists.

Hi again,

unfortunately, this issue persists even after disabling all addons related to the rebuilding of filtered decks. I also made sure to sync before and after ever session on any device.

Today I again noticed that cards that I reviewed yesterday were registered as “reviewed”, but no new due date was set for these.
Some of the cards were reviewed on iPad, some on Mac and most of them (~80%) on iPhone.
Today therefore, all of these cards re-appeared in my filtered deck and I have to review these cards again, after which this additional review + new due date will then be properly registered.

As mentioned before, the issue seems to be most frequent when reviews are performed using the iPhone App.
All in all, the problem came up a couple of times since my last post, the following being latest example.
The filter settings, each with different limits, for the filtered deck are:

(“deck:Studium::Klinik::Ankiphil - Klinik” OR deck:Studium::Klinik::Ankizin OR deck:Studium::Klinik::Ben) (is:new) (-tag:leech* -is:suspended)

(“deck:Studium::Klinik::Ankiphil - Klinik” OR deck:Studium::Klinik::Ankizin OR deck:Studium::Klinik::Ben) (is:due) (-tag:leech* -is:suspended)

Here is an example card in the filtered deck:

I manually reduced the limit of the filtered deck to check the due date of the cards in their source deck. Please notice the discrepancy between “Latest Review” and “Due” in this example:

review stats for yesterday:

complete list of active addons:

filtered deck settings:

I’d really appreciate any advice as this problem keeps troubling me over and over, increases my workload and introduces unnecessary stress…

Thanks for you help

.1. Have you run Tools > Check Database?

.2. Did you do a full round of syncing to get everything matching?

.3. When you find a discrepancy like this on Anki desktop, are you able to immediately check the Card Info on your iPhone, where you last studied the card? If so, there are things you should compare.

  • If your last actions regarding the card on the iPhone were studying and then syncing (which sent the review log to AnkiWeb) – and you haven’t synced again since then – the iPhone should still show correct Card Info. Does it?
  • In Browse on the iPhone, you should also be able to see the Card Modified and Note Modified date-time stamps [Browse > :gear: > add them as columns – rotate to landscape if you need to]. Card Modified should be the same as the last review, Note Modified should be something prior to that. Are they? How do those compare to the Card Modified and Note Modified that Anki desktop has for the card?

.4. It is notable to me that you’re talking about Filtered decks, but the revlogs for these cards don’t show they were studied in a Filtered deck.

.5. [While we’re on the subject of Filtered decks – why are you using one for everyday study of New and Due cards, which you could more easily do in their home decks.]

.6. Please send us the ID/email for your AnkiWeb account – you can send that privately in a DM to @moderators here, or through the AnkiMobile help-ticket system: Support - AnkiMobile Manual .

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