Intervals always a multiple of 2

Looking at a card that just graduated from Learning to Review, the Hard interval is 2 days, Good is 4, and Easy is 6. I’d rather have 1,3,5. I’ve tried decreasing the interval modifier from 1.00 to various values down to 0.5, but these intervals haven’t changed each time I look at the card again (I’m just viewing the card in between changing settings, not rating it).

Is this because the intervals for this card were already set when I changed the settings?

What do I need to change to get 1,3,5 days for Hard,Good,Easy intervals?

I’m not going to give you a direct answer, because I think you’ll have an easier go of it by taking one of 2 other paths –

  1. If you’re new to using Anki, and planning to use the default scheduling algorithm, you should mostly stick with the default settings unless or until you have an issue that needs solving. It seems like a waste to devote much time to “I’d rather have 1,3,5” than 2, 4, 6 – because that’s just not very much of a difference.

  2. However since you’re new to Anki, you should consider enabling the FSRS scheduling algorithm instead of getting bogged down trying to “fix” these advanced modifiers. You can learn more about that in the manual, in the tutorial, and in this series of articles.

  3. If you nevertheless still want help with your intervals and modifiers, please post screenshots of your Deck Options.

[quote=“Danika_Dakika, post:2, topic:51561, full:true”]
I’m not going to give you a direct answer, because
[/quote]Yikes, I just realized you are a new moderator. Please stop responding to my threads just to ignore my questions and basically suggest that I want something other than what I ask for. You are not helping me and you don’t know my use case. I’m not new to Anki; I upgraded several months ago, some features are different, and the documentation is unclear on some points. I know what I want.

I haven’t been on this forum in a while but I’m used to getting more helpful responses from the developer.

Yes, I have a tiny badge next to my name, because I help out around here. That doesn’t mean my advice is gospel and you are required to follow it. I’ve given you different ways to approach the issue. If you’re not interested in them, you are free to disregard them – just like any other advice.

I did not intend offense when I suggested you were new to Anki. You asked questions that suggested a lack of familiarity with Anki and SRS, so I gave you advice I would give a newcomer. I also told you exactly what to do if you want more specific advice. Again, it’s up to you whether you want to do it or not.

To be fair, the nature of your question suggested a lack of familiarity with how Anki works; no one can “know your use-case” if it’s not stated.

It takes two to tango, always


I found the answer: the v3 scheduler is the problem. So, as described at the following link, downgrade to an Anki version before 23.10 if you want to go back to v2. In Anki version 2.1.66, v3 must be unchecked in Preferences → Review → Scheduler.

Here are previous releases: