The “again, hard, good, easy” buttons are giving me random intervals.
I set it to (<1min, <10min, 1day, 4days), but I just noticed it is oscillating in multiple ways. Sometimes, it appears as (<10min, 6days, 11days, 15days), (<10min, 7days, 12days, 16days), for exemple. I only mentioned these two interval examples, but it’s completely random and it keeps oscillating from one card to another, like this.
I’m running Version 24.06.3 (d678e393) on my Macbook.
How can I change the timing to stay consistent on the cards? I’ve tried forums, the anki website, other posts here etc. Whenever I alter the learning steps, easy interval, graduating interval, it seems to have no effect on the card button choices.
I assume you mean that you set your learning steps (and possibly some of your interval settings) to those values? That doesn’t directly control the numbers that you see on the grading buttons. Start here to understand how the values on those buttons are determined – Studying - Anki Manual .
Those look like normal sets of buttons for cards that are no longer in Learn. The page I linked to above will also explain the difference between the Learn and Review stages.
If you have concerns about a particular card, the Card Info is the most useful place to look. You can post that here (along with your Deck Options) for a more specific answer about why a card was set a particular way.
Which deck are you changing the Deck Options for – the deck the cards are actually in, or the deck you are clicking to study?
Are you changing the learning steps while the cards are in Learn? That tends not to work. The new steps won’t take immediate effect on those cards, and it usually results in those cards skipping or repeating steps while they try to adjust. The new steps will apply correctly to New cards that are introduced after that change.
The fuzz in Anki’s algorithm is used to introduce more randomness into the card review process. The algorithm isn’t fixed; instead, it operates within an acceptable range for review intervals. The fuzz ensures that the cards are scheduled within this range, adding variability to the review times, which makes the learning process feel more natural and effective.