There is an issue that randomly happened during my cards’ learning steps. During the learning stage, my Graduating Interval is set to 4 days and my Easy Interval is set to 5 days. Randomly during the learning stage, the cards in all my decks switch from 4-5 days down to 3-4 days or up to 5-6 days. I can fluctuate this pattern by alternating the “Again-Hard-Good” key before the official Ease is set on the card. Any advice?
Thanks for getting back to me. So in other words it’s the fuzz. I’ve never noticed it before last night. I’ve always used the Good for the Back and Easy for the front since the back of the card has more to remember then the front. It sets off the review interval from the beginning but I’ll check this out. Thank you
If you were previously using an older Anki version, older versions did not display the fuzz on the answer buttons, but still added it when scheduling the cards.
I had no idea the fuzz factor was being used when transitioning from learning to reviewing. I see the value in it once the cards are in the scheduler. Is there a way to turn off the fuzz factor during the initial transition? I think it would be helpful for each individual learner to have some control on the “initial learning stage” when setting their ease. I’ve always used the bury function during the first couple of days until I’m ready to set the official ease. I’ve always used 3-Good for the “Back” and 4-Easy for the “Front” to offset the intervals when sending learning cards into the review cycle. Reason being, it’s harder to remember the back as there is more information in the narrative than just the defintion (i.e., a single word) on the front. The randomness of the fuzz factor doesn’t allow lienency for the intial learning stage. It increases and decreases the Graduating/Easy Intervals randomly which are customized for each individual used. Also, because it’s randomized, the cards I find harder are actually getting spaced out further and the cards I find easier are being seen more often. I hope this provides helpful insight into you users’ experience.
Sorry, fuzzing can’t be disabled. It is only applied to graduating intervals 2.5 days or longer, however.
Instead of manually doing this, if you enable sibling burying and order your card templates correctly, the second sibling won’t be introduced until the day after the first card appears.
So the siblings are showing up on the review days after the ease is set. It’s happening whether or not I’m using 3-Good or 4-Hard. The randomness of the fuzz factor by chance is having both Front and Back go into the same review cycle. It’s been happening recently since I’ve noticed the fuzz factor.
If silblings are being introduced and shown for review on the same day – or multiple siblings shown for review on the same day – you need to check your Bury settings – Deck Options - Anki Manual. Be sure to check the deck those cards are in, and any parent decks/deck you click on to study.
But –
(1) This isn’t affected by fuzz at all, because by the time Anki is gathering cards to show you, fuzz has already been applied.
(2) Even though you are noticing fuzz for the first time, it’s been there all along, and it hasn’t changed.